It's been awhile but I'm back. A lot has happened and yet nothing has happened! :-(
It turned out that our agency did send in our homestudy on the 3 boys - but the homestudy that was only approved to adopt 2 children - thus we weren't qualified!! I was sooo angry!
Since that time we also sent in our homestudy on a sibling set of 2 children. T is 3 years old and has arthrogyposis. A is 2 years old and has myofibromatosis. Our doctor says both of them would be too much for us to handle - that both would be too much for anyone to handle! But the agency wants to keep them together. The foster parents of the girl want to adopt but don't really want both. We did send our homestudy and ask to be considered. But the foster parents of the girl changed their mind and decided to take the little boy as well.
However we have been contacted by our state about a sibling group of 4 that MAY be available for adoption. It would be a foster placement at this time and see where it goes from there. This time they must be a little bit serious as they have scheduled us to meet them about mid-month!! Of course, being a foster placement, I can't say much at all about them. I can say there are 3 girls and 1 boy - ages 2 years, 3 yr. old twins, and 5 years. Sounds about perfect but I'm trying not to get my hopes up until we actually have them here!! We are in the process of renewing our license and, at the same time, upping our approval to 4 kids. Seems to be going very well so far.
W is doing better in his therapy. I do think the EMDR helped quite a bit. We are doing EMDR and regular therapy during April through October and just regular therapy during the cold months - since it's quite a long drive to the EMDR therapy. We still have a long way to go, but he is noticably progressing. :-)
Most people we talk to are being very supportive and sweet. They all say they wouldn't want to take in so many kids, but are happy for us. There are a few who express concern over Dad's age and we are happy to discuss it with them - that we have considered this carefully and taken all steps we can to prepare for any future. But we do feel this is the road the Lord is leading us to. However, there are a few who won't say anything to our face - but bash us behind our back. I do really hate that type of people!! They don't seem to be really concerned - just want to tear down other people. They do this with all people - seeming to think it makes them better to tear others down. I know I should just ignore this type of behavior as it tells more about them than me - but it does get under my skin!!
So please wish us luck and "stay tuned" to see how this all works out! :-)
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