I really mean to keep this blog up better but things are really busy. We still haven't had a placement or adoption and we're getting really discouraged. We've sent our homestudy in on many, many sibling groups but never get picked. We've only been seriously considered once. Our homestudy expires in a little over a year and, unless we have a placement, we're not renewing. But I do want another little one so badly!
M has gotten married to L and has a beautiful little girl, MM, born about a month ago! J and her family moved about 600 miles away to be closer to K's family. We really miss them!! T and W are growing like weeds!! We finally gave up on W's therapy. It was a 100 mile trip one way and it just didn't seem to be doing any good. He is no better - the major behavior like beating dents in the hardwood floors is gone. But his oppositional behavior is much worse. He is stealing food more and being defiant to Dad. It's the little stuff but so much more frequently. He can really drive us crazy sometimes!!
I've been reading Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control. It's pretty good and makes sense. I wonder if it will work on W? I want to try it but it's soooo hard to change our behavior patterns. I have good intentions and then he pushes my buttons and the good intentions go out the window!! But I have to keep trying. Dad and I have started fighting. I set limits and consequences and he undermines me while I'm at work, then tells the boys not to tell me. He just doesn't want to fight with W anymore - it's easier to just let him have his way. I understand how he feels but I just can't give up.
We have considered disrupting the adoption, thinking W would do better being the only child in a family. But we cannot find anyone willing to take him on. We won't turn him over to social services because we have heard they will charge us with abandoning him and take T as well. I won't even think of doing that!!
Well guess that's all for now. I'll try not to be so long between posts next time!
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